Featured Patient Administration System (PAS) Solutions

Cyberquery for WebPAS

Cyberquery is the business intelligence solution with real-time data access to WebPAS for data analytics and reporting.

Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices rely on WebPAS to manage their patient data and Cyberquery to analyze and report on that data. Patient Administration Systems are a critical component of healthcare organizations. Healthcare professionals need a robust business reporting solution like Cyberquery to deliver ad hoc and operational reporting capability, straddling multiple applications and databases, in a real-time environment.

Cyberquery for WebPAS incorporates report templates that enhance a WebPAS installation’s value immediately. In addition, with the intuitive user interface, healthcare professionals can see information exactly the way they want it and how government agencies require it. Cyberquery is the end-to-end business reporting solution that allows Decision-makers, Coders, HIM’s and Operational staff to easily access the information they need to lead their organizations and work with confidence.


Features and benefits of Cyberquery in combination with WebPAS:

  • Easy-to-use reporting environment addresses the full range of Reporting and Business Intelligence needs
  • Customized Viewpoints help simplify data structures and provide understandable field & table names
  • Powerful report scheduling, alerts and email distribution automate the delivery of critical information
  • Web-based Cyberquery Launchpad™ enables quick and seamless information deployment
  • Automatic report conversions provide output to Excel, PDF, HTML, forms, barcodes, etc.
  • Application-specific tool kits deliver metadata and security for accelerated implementation
  • Real-time access to your data
  • WebPAS report templates
  • Easy to combine data for improved patient experience

Cyberquery in combination with WebPAS helps improve the following:

webpas nurse
  • Waitlist Analysis & HiP’s
  • Health Fund Contract Negotiations
  • Readmission Analysis
  • Billing & Accrued Revenue
  • Reporting on a patient from ED to Inpatients, across different applications and databases
  • Theatre Utilisation
  • Patient Care Management
  • Data Quality with exception reporting
  • Cross system reporting – e.g., Combined with Timesheet Management for Hours per Patient Day, or Budgets for Actual vs Budget KPIs