Featured ERP Solutions

Cyberquery for QAD

Cyberquery has been maximizing the value of QAD to companies around the world for more than 25 years.

Used at over 70% of QAD sites in North America, Cyberquery is the most widely deployed Business Intelligence solution for QAD.

From MFG/PRO to Channel Islands, On-Premise or in the Cloud, Cyberquery is the comprehensive BI Solution you need to leverage your investment in QAD, and to combine QAD data with all of your enterprise applications.

QAD users trust Cyberquery to help them meet their goals of cost control, improved productivity, and maximized market share. Manufacturers using QAD generate immense amounts of data due to complex matrices of customers and suppliers. Raw data is of little use in transactional form, but Cyberquery makes it possible to transform that data into meaningful, actionable information through the use of reports, data visualizations, and dashboards.

QAD users enjoy these Cyberquery features and benefits:

  • A Cyberquery Data Dictionary that is 100% customized to your exact QAD metadata and includes over 1,500 pre-built table joins
  • User-friendly table and column names to assist end users in query development
  • Library of reports in a customized web portal
  • QAD-specific Cyberquery training courses and workshops
  • Consolidated and federated reporting from multiple databases and applications
  • Real-time reporting
  • Deployment to practically any device, from a laptop to mobile device
  • Full-spectrum product that offers ad-hoc reporting, production reporting, charts, graphs, forms, analytics, dashboards, KPIs, and data visualization
  • Scalable in use from end users to programmers
  • No need for porting, massaging, or restructuring of data and no warehouse or cubes to create
  • On-premise and/or Cloud
  • Works on any QAD revision, old or new (MFG/PRO, EE, SE, EB, Channel Islands, and more)
  • Connects to both Progress and MariaDB SQL versions of QAD
  • Outstanding Excel integration including a Cyberquery-dedicated Excel add-in

    With the use of Cyberquery data visualization functionality we are able to better analyze and present our data. The efficiency reports we created allow us to quickly identify gaps in production and act on them immediately.             Read More

    Bob Templeton

    ERP Applications Manager, John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. (JBSS) Fisher Nuts