Customer Success Story – DMC

Customer Success Story – DMC

Customer Success Story – DMC

Cyberquery Features have revolutionized DMC’s Approach to data analysis

by Jim Maughan


Scott Frankenfield, Information Technology Manager, at DMC spoke with me about how they have revolutionized their data analysis.

“In the dynamic landscape of information management, Cyberquery stands as an invaluable ally, enhancing our efficiency, accuracy, and ultimately, our success.”

Daniel Manufacturing Corporation, DMC, is a veteran-owned manufacturing business serving the aerospace and defense industries. Their highly precise tools are built in the USA and shipped globally. In 2022, they were moving their ERP system to the cloud. They were a long time SyteLine user and chose to upgrade from StyeLine 9 to CloudSuite Industrial (CSI) multi-tenant cloud version. The challenge was that they would lose the ability to access SQL tables. The ERP upgrade also meant that table relationships changed, and existing reports had to be redesigned.

With the ERP upgrade, DMC decided it was time to upgrade their reporting tools since a large number of the reports had to be rewritten with the upgrade. They need a reporting software solution that would get the data in the hands of the users, was easy-to-use and fit their budget constraints. The team reached out to other users at the annual SyteLine User Network, SUN. Users were recommending Cyberquery, because in their words it was “powerful while being easy-to-use.” After a 30-day test drive with their data, DMC selected Cyberquery.

Cyberquery has been a trusted and robust reporting solution for hundreds of SyteLine sites for 10+ years. Connecting to the cloud version is set up with pre-configured table relationships making data access easy. With using the Infor Mongoose API, DMC was able to extract cloud data for use in production, sales, financial reports. The team also likes the Cyberquery web interface which has allowed DMC to integrate it into their local interface.

“Thanks to Cyberquery, our ability to extract and present targeted information has been magnified, enabling us to streamline decision-making processes and drive impactful outcomes.”

The DMC employees have found Cyberquery to be easy-to-use and intuitive. They picked it up quickly and are now able to pull data and do ad hoc analysis themselves without having to contact IT for support. This has eliminated the bottleneck at IT and empowered the employees.

The team also needed a reporting solution that had security features. One of DMC’s largest customers is the Department of Defense, DOD. Cyberquery offers extensive security by user or active directory group to meet their needs.

DMC’s management has seen significant value in utilizing Cyberquery for their reporting solution. Their employees have access to the data quicker and a more complete view of the business, allowing for better analysis and decision making. Cyberscience and Cyberquery have become an “invaluable ally” to DMC.

Manufacturers are looking for a competitive edge and picking the right reporting solution helped DMC gain an edge. By adopting a powerful and easy to use BI solution like Cyberquery, your team can have “impactful outcomes.”

About DMC

Daniels Manufacturing Corporation, DMC, is the recognized leading manufacturer in tool systems and accessories for manufacturers of electronics and electrical wire harnesses. DMC is the first choice for OEM’s in the production of electrical wire harnesses. They serve the aerospace and defense industries as the world leader in tool systems for mission-critical applications.

If you have a need for a new approach to data analytics that provides benefits as Scott describes, contact Cyberscience for a demo or test drive.  –

Author: Jim Maughan, BI Practice and Business Development Manager 

Customer Success Story – AmSafe Inc.

Customer Success Story – AmSafe Inc.

Customer Success Story – AmSafe

Cyberquery is integral to the running of Amsafe

by Tom Oldham


Joe McMahon of AmSafe, Inc. spoke with me about how they have benefitted from using Cyberquery and what their employees value most.

“Cyberquery adds value by allowing me to relate, connect and consolidate data within my ERP system that is ordinarily generated across multiple reports.”  Patrick Blackstock – Accountant

AmSafe is the global leader in aviation and defense restraints. They manufacture and service safety restraints in 2 factories and 6 services centers for 600 airlines and 40 aircraft manufacturers worldwide. They recently upgraded their ERP system from QAD 2007SE to 2022EE and needed a reporting and data analytics solution.

AmSafe selected Cyberquery for their Daily, Weekly, Period, Monthly Reporting as well as data mining solution. One of the main requirements from the executive team was that reports from QAD 2022EE must include prior history data from their QAD 2007SE database. The QAD2022EE financial module changed the schema completely from 2007SE requiring new mapping. Also, as with other ERP updates, prior history does not get imported into the new ERP system. The Cyberscience consultants were asked to do their magic and consolidate the two systems’ data and build out a financial, sales, and inventory data warehouse. Now the AmSafe teams can run one report instead of two to report across both systems and be able to compare results to prior periods.

Another important feature was the ability for Cyberquery to work with Excel. Many AmSafe employees felt most comfortable working in Excel. Cyberquery has the ability to run queries from Excel and refresh the spreadsheet with the data requested with a simple click.

Cyberquery makes it so I can get exactly the information I need, in the format I need, when I need it.”  Scott Shillito – Procurement Specialist 

Cyberquery’s Excel functionality is used throughout the organization. Excel workbooks have been built for department specific roles. The employee selects what parameters they need to review and Cyberquery imports the requested fields. This ability to build queries into Excel has made decision making much easier. Scott in procurement highlighted, “now I have reports that can be refreshed whenever I want, or need, to make a decision.”

As supplier to the aerospace and defense industries, AmSafe must comply with numerous codes and perform audits. They follow the highest standards and regulations in the aviation industry, such as AS9100, ISO 9001, and FAA Part 145. The team has automated a number of standard audit requests using Cyberquery and schedule the reports using QDirector.

AmSafe values the expertise of the Cyberscience Professional Services Group. The depth of knowledge of the ERP database and standard reporting requirements of a manufacturer exceeded their expectations. They were also impressed by the speed of response from the team. These qualities they said has made Cyberscience one of their best business partners.

Just like AmSafe, manufacturers should look to solutions that enable a comprehensive view – quote to cash – to give team members the information they need for better decision-making. By adopting a powerful BI solution like Cyberquery, your manufacturing and repair facilities can enter a new era of informed decisions.

About AmSafe, Inc.

AmSafe Inc. is the undisputed world leader in the design and manufacture of restraint systems for use in all fields of aviation and defense. The company has designed and manufactured millions of seatbelts, airbag systems, multipoint restraints and other products that help move millions of people safely and securely in the air.

If you have a need for a new business intelligence solution that provides benefits as Joe describes, contact Cyberscience for a demo or test drive.  –

Author: Tom Oldham, Product Manager – Manufacturing Solutions

Customer Success Story – John B. Sanfilippo & Son

Customer Success Story – John B. Sanfilippo & Son

Customer Success Story – John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. (JBSS)

JBSS values Cyberquery’s ease-of-use and the customer service at Cyberscience

by Rob Little


Bob Templeton of John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. spoke with me about implementing Cyberquery and the benefits.

“Cyberquery has empowered our ERP user community to access
information easily while enabling IT to provide more value-added services.”

Manufacturing organizations are under increasing pressure to provide users with easy-to-use analytical reporting tools. Faced with this challenge, John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc, headquarted in Elgin, IL, selected Cyberquery as their corporate business intelligence and report writing solution.

Bob Templeton, Senior Programmer/Analyst at JBSS stated, “The reports that come with the ERP application do not satisfy everyone’s individual needs. Users required more analytical reporting, and every request required costly programming intervention. This created a large backlog of requests and pulled resources away from other, sometimes more critical projects.”

Templeton went on to say, “Our return on our Cyberquery investment has been significant. The savings are substantial because users are now creating their own reports and data exports, freeing up IT resources to focus on more critical issues. Cyberquery has conservatively saved one third of my time, if not more, by eliminating 15-20 hours of analysis and programming per week.”

One of the many successful uses of Cyberquery at JBSS is creating charts and graphs that analyze production efficiency. These graphs are designed to measure machine, department and shift efficiencies and are posted on the shop floor weekly.

“With the use of Cyberquery data visualization functionality we are able to better analyze and present our data.”

“We make business decisions faster due to the availability of timely, accurate and accessible information. The efficiency reports we created allow us to quickly identify gaps in production and act on them immediately.”

“One of the biggest selling points of Cyberquery is how easy it is to use” stated Templeton. “With a little logical thinking a user can sit down and pick it up very easily on their own. We have end users across all functional areas of our organization creating their own reports. Some of these areas include Production, Accounting, A/P, A/R, Inventory Management and Customer Service.”

“The level of service Cyberscience provides is excellent” added Templeton. “The product really doesn’t require much support, and upgrades have been a breeze.”

JBSS’s requirements are not unique; many organizations today are facing increasing pressure to supply critical information to those who need it. By using Cyberquery, organizations can have the information they need to gain useful business insight.

About John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.

John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. (JBSS) is an in-house sheller, processor, packager, marketer, and distributor of shelled and in-shell nuts and was founded in Chicago in 1922 by Gaspare Filippo and his son John. Today the company’s main production and distribution facility is in the Chicago suburb of Elgin, Illinois. JBSS sells its products under a variety of private labels and under the company’s Fisher, Evon’s, Flavor Tree, Sunshine Country and Texas Pride brand names. The company also markets, distributes, and manufactures or processes a diverse product line of food and snack items including peanut butter, candy, natural snacks and trail mixes.

If you have a need for a new business intelligence solution that provides benefits as Bob describes, contact Cyberscience for a demo or test drive.  –

Author: Rob Little is a Cyberquery Consultant.

Customer Success Story – Boyd Corporation

Customer Success Story – Boyd Corporation

Customer Success Story – Boyd Corporation

Boyd Corporation Leverages Cyberquery – Improves Efficiencies and Business Insights 

by Rob Little


Steve Price of Boyd Corp. spoke with me about implementing Cyberquery and the benefits.

“Through our implementation of Cyberquery, we have saved over $500,000 in improved efficiencies over the past three years.”

Best in class manufacturing organizations are under increasing pressure to streamline their processes and cut overhead costs. Faced with these issues, Boyd Corporation, headquartered in Modesto, CA, selected Cyberquery as the  corporate business intelligence and report  writing solution.

Steve Price, IT Manager at Boyd stated, “Through our implementation of Cyberquery, we have saved over $500,000 in improved efficiencies over the past three years. And that’s being conservative.” Price went on to say, “The exceptional speed and ease of use of Cyberquery have made these savings possible. In addition, Cyberquery has empowered the organization’s leadership to make quality decisions. We are gaining previously unavailable business insight and our executive team is now able to make swift and informed decisions that were just not possible before we implemented Cyberquery.”

In one instance Cyberquery was used to create an accounts receivable (AR) information management solution for their corporate AR department. The return gained by this, after a two-day Cyberscience services engagement, was an annual saving of $90,000.

“Time saving initiatives such as this one has made a major impact on staff job satisfaction and morale.”

Boyd’s IT department has also integrated Cyberquery with the corporation’s ERP and CRM systems. Through Cyberquery’s  Webreporting, scheduling and built-in email functionality, all of Boyd’s customer shipment and tracking information is automatically emailed to each customer’s procurement team every day. “The shipment notification solution was created in only 2 hours. As a result of this successful initiative our account relationship management team has saved 4 man hours of telephone communications every single day. A remarkable return” stated Price. “Time saving initiatives such as this one has made a major impact on staff job satisfaction and morale”, Price added.

Another successful use of Cyberquery has been the distribution in real-time of key sales and margin information to the senior management team at Boyd. These matrices are generated on a scheduled basis through the Cyberquery  scheduling service, Qdirector. This facilitates fast and effective collaborative decision making.

Boyd Corporation’s requirements are not unique; all manufacturing organizations are under similar constraints and pressures to supply goods at lower costs with associated diminishing margins. By using Cyberquery, organizations can improve efficiencies, cut costs, and gain useful business insight.

About Boyd Corporation

Boyd Corporation is the global market leader in custom fabricated sealing and energy management solutions. They supply innovative engineered solutions in the areas of environmental seals and gaskets, energy management, EMI shielding, acoustic and thermal insulation, shock and vibration absorption and bonding systems.

If you have a need for a new business intelligence solution that provides benefits as Steve describes, contact Cyberscience for a demo or test drive.  –

Author: Rob Little is a Cyberquery Consultant.

Customer Success Story – Tidewell

Customer Success Story – Tidewell

Customer Success Story – Tidewell

Cyberquery Delivers Beyond Expectations for Florida’s Largest Home Hospice & Palliative Care Oraganization

by Brad Jackson


Lou Freitas of Tidewell spoke with me about the value of their Cyberquery implementation.

“Cyberquery has already saved Tidewell over $180,000 and we expect to save another $360,000 once all reporting projects are up and functional. This labor savings equates to $540,000!”

In the ever-changing healthcare environment, organizations are pressured to deliver a better quality of care while at the same time minimize costs. Faced with these challenges, Tidewell Hospice, headquartered in Sarasota, FL, evaluated several business intelligence (BI) tools to better understand their data. After considering several products, Tidewell Hospice selected Cyberquery from Cyberscience Corporation as their organization-wide business intelligence and report writing solution.

“Our annual report to the Department of Elder Affairs on patient pain at admission was  dramatically improved in both accuracy and time savings.”

One of the first projects completed with  Cyberquery improved the pain management measurement of all Tidewell patients. With the existing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) package, patient pain level could only be reported on the first pain assessment of the day. This process used to take multiple hours per month and is now automated. With Cyberquery, Tidewell now reports on pain management in real-time  throughout the patient’s care.

After a few months of using Cyberquery, Tidewell decided to utilize Cyberquery to measure patient costs more accurately. Tidewell uses Suncoast Solutions™ EMR and Sage MAS 500 accounting applications and needed data from both systems in order to accomplish this analysis. Tidewell accomplished its patient costing project by developing a system of Cyberquery reports which queries and exports financial and clinical data from both applications. It can now report against its patient costs at any time and schedule reports for distribution to key stakeholders. This additional insight into patient costs helps Tidewell maintain a high quality of care in light of Medicare reimbursement reductions.

Tidewell Hospice continues to explore ways to leverage Enterprise Cyberquery and complete future projects including:

    • Clinical and administrative productivity optimization to meet service area demands
    • Cost management for medications and supplies
    • Charitable community activity validation and management
    • Labor savings due to automation
    • Key Performance Indicator management

About Tidewell

Tidewell servers more than 1,200 patients a day in Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte and DeSoto counties. Tidewell is one of the largest programs of its kind in the U.S. Home-based palliative care is the basic premise of the program, involving the support of physicians, registered nurses, social service counselors, home health aides and volunteers, all following a prescribed plan of care. Tidewell’s services are available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay.

If you have a need for a new business intelligence solution that provides benefits as Lou describes, contact Cyberscience for a demo or test drive.  –

Author: Brad Jackson, Business Development Manager at Cyberscience.